Migros introduced a new payment system, subitoGo, which enables customers to scan and pay for their purchases in-store using the Migros app. The goal of the campaign was to raise awareness of the new system and highlight its main benefit: faster shopping.

The campaign concept was simple yet striking. Iconic Migros products were blurred just enough to be unrecognizable, emphasizing the speed and efficiency of shopping with subitoGo. The visuals adhered to the new brand guidelines of simplicity and graphical sharpness, with products shown behind a solid color that matched the product. A minimalist phone icon was added to clearly communicate that the app was a mobile application. The digital assets featured an animated version, showcasing different product groups flashing by the phone to highlight the ease of self-scanning. The same concept was also used in the claim of the TV commercials.



MARCH 2021
Print and Digital Campaign

Commissioned by Migros